I'm pleased with myself that since January, I've lost nearly 13 pounds and an inch off my waist. I've started running 4+ miles at a time, I'm losing my love handles, I have muscle definition in my arms and my stomach is significantly flatter. Also, I wore my little sister's size 3 jeans yesterday and I don't think I looked half bad, thank you very much. (Until my dad told me they won't fit her anymore because I'm stretching them out. Thanks, Dad.)
Everywhere I go, there are so many things to discourage me from my goals. Birthdays, friends wanting to go out to eat, my parents who don't know the definition of healthy food, etc. It's such a struggle every single day to say no to a cupcake or a glass of wine (oh man, I miss wine). How can I stay motivated for another 3 months?!?
Luckily, I have amazing friends to help me along the way. Whether it's Sara inviting me over for Jillian Michaels
In other news, Mark and I are celebrating 2 years together tomorrow! He moved into our first place together on Friday and I'll be there in 11 days to visit and help out. I've started preparing our wedding invitations, AND I'm super excited for my bridal shower in just a few weeks. This wedding is coming up quickly and I can't wait! We're ready!
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