Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I'll be the first to admit that I'm terrible at keeping up with blogs. I guess it's a rare occasion when I feel like writing. To be honest, I don't feel like writing right now. But sometimes we force ourselves to do things we don't want to do...like diets.

Speaking of diets, I'm afraid I've slipped a little bit in my whole "eat right, exercise a lot, lose weight for the wedding" plan. Confession: I love food. I'm seriously lazy and my bed is comfy and there are millions of cake batter recipes I have yet to see on Pinterest. Who has time for exercise? All in all, I'm still pretty proud of myself for my efforts. I've managed to lose 14 pounds since January and I can currently run over 6 miles at a time. WARNING: I don't look cute afterwards, but I can still run that far which is ridiculous for me! I still have over a month to go and my plan is to lose an extra 3 pounds and stick to a decent exercise regimen. I especially want to work on my arms. My arms suck. I have calves of steel, but unfortunately, my legs aren't showing in my wedding dress. So, until they find a surgery that transfers my calf muscles to my arms, I'm afraid I have a daily date with my dumbbells until the wedding.

Mark and I are meeting up in Omaha this weekend for memorial day. We're going to celebrate his birthday early, since his birthday is 9 days before our wedding and I won't see him until the day before.  I can't believe this is our last time together before we're married! It's going to be such an adjustment seeing him everyday and sleeping next to him every night. We're going to get SO sick of each other! No, I'm kidding. I'm so excited to be marrying my dreamboat of a man. I'm nervous about leaving home and my friends and family and adjusting to a new home and struggling to find new friends and a new job. At least I'll have my new husband right beside me through it all.

In other news, Trisha's wedding is next week. NEXT WEEK!!!! It's seriously blowing my mind, because we've basically been planning our weddings together all this time. After her, it's my turn! I'm so excited to get my hair and nails done, wear my fun bridesmaid dress, stand up next to my girl as she says her vows, then eat and drink and dance and drink some more! It's going to be such a beautiful, emotional and fun-filled day and I can't freakin' wait!

That's all for now, I'll fill you in next time on all the exclusive wedding deets you've been DYING to hear about! Don't lie, we all know you're pumped.

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